That was after our breakfast, walked over to The Beitou Hot Spring Musuem (I never liked museums by the way).

Kevin and the....errr, an uncle we met there.
He's working in the museum, nice man although he talked too much, lol
The evidence, Kevin's listening to the uncle, I cropped the pic :P
Have gotta take off our shoes
We'd never stopped fooling around no matter where we go! :P
Well frankly speaking, I might mixed up some photos here...that's why I made Museum and Plum Garden an entry. I just forgot which is which, and I couldn't remember well exactly where we took this pic. I'll assumed it's taken in the Museum.
But I'm sure it's the Hot Spring, hahaha
Met Agnes, Vern and Lisa there, they went out perhaps an hour ahead of us. Christine and I couldn't resist to sleep more after days of rushing here and there ;)
Us, planning our next stop.
Lol look at my face :P
Plum Garden 梅庭
Hi hi~
Next, more Beitou photos :P