I just realized it was quite cool to snap picture with the sunlight behind my err...head :P

I took extra hours to choose my evening dress. Not that I don't have much choices, but I gained weight over months and I don't look good in almost every dresses I adored! Come to think of it, I "don't" have much choices -_-"
The wedding dinner was in Oriental Banquet
King & Queen of the day (hahaha Raja Sehari, why not Raja & Permaisuri Sehari?!)
Standard captures
The hall
Darling and I
Met his friend Miss Choong, didn't expect to see her at the wedding. We didn't know Nichole and Choong are some sort of ...connected ;)
Sweet to see her, I couldn't recoginzed her! Well it was years since we last met. Like..4-5 years?
Yam Seng
Some foods
Whoaaaaaa!!! Don't bite me!!! I didn't ask the chef to cook you
Deep fried soft shells crabs
Nice nice :D
Eeee...I hate veggies
Don't tell me it's good for health!
Guess what?
I met my Secondary school friend Jamie! She's a professional make-up artist and...an actress! Well if you watch TV8 you will see the TV drama she's involved in ;)
She helped with Nichole's make-over that night :)
I've missed her, we're very big fans of MJ, remember this picture she drew for me? :)
She's still as nice as I can remember :D
Met this guy that night. He's friendly and humorous. But at the same time he made me feel sooooo embarrassing! Long story...should blame Kevin!! ;P
Photo of us with the groom and bride (Alan, Nichole)
We watched Twilight Saga-Eclipse later that night
It's a good idea watching a romantic love movie after wedding dinner, it makes you feel soooo in love with Edward / Jack your boyfriend. Hahaha!! :P
Bad weather yesterday, I managed to cover Shopaholic & sister. Hmmm now I'm rethinking about my future marriage :P
Would it be difficult to live with me?
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