Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let's eat sh*t ^^

I couldn't think of a proper title :P
Went to this "Modern Toilet Restaurant" 便所主题餐厅 in Shenzhen. It's a popular Taiwanese restaurant chain, they have like over 13(?) restaurants in Taiwan.

Everything's in the restaurant looks like shit.. :P
All seats are made from toilet bowls, bathtub as table..

Check the shape of the lights, nice huh?

The table setting



It stinks!

Meet Mr Poo-a-cow

How can you not order some shits when you're in Toilet themed restaurant? :)
Actually I've heard there's a toilet themed restaurant in M'sia too..not sure the exact location

Freshly "bake" :P

Anyway it's Chocolate sundae, not "real" shit

with Mr. Poo-a-cow behind

Us two

Random pics
I don't remember my hair used to look like this..

I ordered some snacks... we were not that hungry ;)

A cute guy and mini Poo-a-cow joined us :D

Miss Poo-a-cow

It's getting late...a pic before I go to bed.
I only remember we bought quite a lot of stuff in Shenzhen, but now I'm totally clueless about the stuff we bought :(
I'm planning to go to Taiwan end of the year, well let's see if I would give a 2nd visit to "Modern Toilet" :)



Dr V said...

WOW...that's a great idea! In many parts of Europe you have to pay to use the toilet. So imagine a restaurant where you can handle all your business...right at the table! haha

And this is a concept that should be a big hit in America too. Moving big bodies is so tiresome to Americans, so we have remote controls for everything. Now we can just plop someone at the table/throne, and let the fireworks begin. HEAVENLY! haha

Looks like a really fun place to eat. I'm definitely putting this on my list of things to do. Then I'll be able to take some nice "action shots" like you and Kevin...and that anonymous man with the runny nose sitting beside you on the toilet. ^_^

I truly enjoyed these funny photos! Thanks for sharing the fun.

violetmay said...

To be true, you really need the courage to eat/drink those "things", although it's real foods but still ;)))
I have a'll love this place :P