Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ket's Bachelorette Party!

My best friend Ket is getting married!!
Tomorrow is her wedding dinner!!!!!!
Well actually in a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got home not long ago, gosh I'm so so sooooo excited!! ^^ It's 3am right now but I'm not sleepy at all, I might have tough time tomorrow neee -_-"
Ket is the first person getting married in our group...Her soon to be husband Ah Foo is a lucky bastard! LOL! :P
Hmmm...I know I do sound "too" excited...(CRAZI mode) maybe you thought I'm drunk but I swear I'm not I didn't touch any alcoholic beverages I drank only orange juice ooh wait not orange juice there was not orange juice in ket's house I finished a bottle of red wine only erm no I didn't I didn't see any red wine there I erm I erm oh yeah sugar juice ooh no not sugar juice but sugar cane juice and we ate lots of satay and fried meehun and fried rice and we made "tang yuan" talked a lot a lot took a lot of photos but some of the photos are blurrrr because the tripod has shaky legs and the table has shaky legs and there's earthquake everything fell down and no there was no gigolo in the house no whipped cream ah maybe yes strawberry flavoured whipped cream in the fridge yessss

Back to Normal mode
Ket's parents got back from NewYork, they don't intend to go back there again, guess what, her dad is freaking humorous!
OOh wait! I just realized I didn't take photos of Ket and her parents -_-"
I won't forget to take more photos tomorrow!
We gathered in Ket's house, have dinner (the typical chinese buffet style)

All of us :)

This is the tang yuan I mentioned earlier

Woan Shy (Shy is her name, she is not a shy person!), she's Ket's elementary schoolmate, Ket introduced me to her years ago, I didn't meet her for a long time (more than a few years ahem) but she's as friendly and talkative! ;)

All the way from Dubai! She has a hard time trying to swap her Manchester Flight with her colleagues, we're glad one of them willing to swap their shift with her! :D

All the way from home!
HAHAHAHAA! Her home is only 15 minutes from Ket's place :P

And me!
All the way erm...from errrrrrr...from bed? I didn't sleep much last night!

Photos with the soon-to-be-bride!
Aikss not a nice one..told you the table has shaky legs!

This one better :)

Ket and I ^^

We chatted a lot, discussed about the games we prepared for tomorrow :P

Tomorrow (should be "later") I need to get up at 6am (Holy cow did I just said 'am'?!), need to go to Ket's house at 730am. Now I only have 2 hours to sleep...
Happy Halloween, night all! :D

P/S: Before I go to bed, this is Ket's Registration of Marriage 2 years and 8 months ago, time flies!
my long hair urghhh! and Ket now has long hair, hahaha
Thean Hou Gong Temple

Hey! Why am I this short in this picture?!
Ket Mui & I

My mum was there too :))
Mum, Ket, Foo and Violet
Alright, I shall sleep now or I will stay awake until 6am. Night!



CathJ said...

Congrats to your fren... 1 by 1 will be taken.. Mmm.. who will be next??? ^_^

debb13 said...

wah! congrats to ah ket! :) :D more pics! more pics!

violetmay said...

Ermm...I have no idea who's the next one :P

More to come!!! Actually too many laaaa o_O"

Bachelorette Party said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun at your bachelorette party. Did you play any bachelorette party games? Were the guys there the entertainment or attendees?

Dr V said...

So this is what a bachelorette party looks like! For some reason, I'm never invited to one. Could it be my after-shave? ^_*

Well I'm happy to see how everyone worked so hard to make it an exciting time for all. I couldn't help but notice that all the friends were working, and yet someone was merely POSING with the Tang Yuan. hahaha

So no exotic male dancers and whipped cream, huh? I'm only left to wonder if those photos were mysteriously left on the memory card. Shhhh...those are for the private-viewing party. haha

I'm happy to see all of Ket's good friends together again. It's been years since the vacation I missed you all. Best of luck to everyone as they travel near and far, to return to their usual routines. ^_^

Thanks again for sharing the occasion with us.

Anonymous said...

what about the bachelorette party??? eh???


violetmay said...

Gosh why so many "Bachelorette Party"?
It's too late, it's over :)

Dr V
There's no hidden photos...but even if we have, it's hidden so we're not going to tell :P