Monday, September 15, 2008

Teehee! Beerrry happi!

Holy cow!
It's 4:30am right now, and I'm still awake :S

In fact I didn't sleep for the whole night, still in the office....BUT I'm extremely happy!!! :D

Finally...I've completed the final chapter of my very headache thesis, I need to thank my supervisor Mr.Kumar and my Fiance...Kevin Koo :')
Yeah yeah, I took a long long time to do my thesis, so what? At least I managed to submit before deadline :P

I am not sleepy at all, but my eyes are dry, shouldn't wear contact lenses for more than 17 hours, bloody hell! My eyes are really sensitive for these few months, should say, since I work for Kevin. Previously when I was jobless (LOL!), I met him 3-4 times in a week, so it was OK. But since I started my work as a multi purpose cleaner/maid, my eyes started to dry, red easily... :'( So I knew I couldn't wear contact lenses everyday.

Since then, I only wear lenses on Saturday, SERIOUSLY! I look old with my glasses on, my friends especially Ket, she saw me that day and said:

"Huh? Y** M** (Boo hoo)!! You are wearing glasses...hmm..."

"Yeah yeah, I know I look old..."
At first, I thought she's say I still looked young bla bla console me, but,

Don't know why, she was very happy seeing me in glasses...
Actually I know the reason, I bought this pair of glasses from her, the original price was over a thousand, but...I have special discount, KAKAKAKAKA, for me only!

I have a minute wonder
(-_-")... ......
Why didn't she lie?

Anyway, this was why I love her and Cyn, sometimes they are too honest and make me wanna bite and eat them alive :P

I'm still very happy, from now on, I can concentrate on knitting and watching movies, and sleeping and eating and knitting and movies, and...knitting and sleeping and... AHEM! I mean, working. I'm getting dizzy, maybe too hungry :(

Kevin is sleeping like a baby, he was exhausted...has been busy working on my thesis for the past 10 hours, he restructured almost all of the chapters.. He is a perfectionist. HMMM! I hope I will get good score this time ^^

I wanted to go home, but Kevin is still sleeping, I'm still considering to give him a slap on his face to wake him up.

You know I'm kidding :P

I must find myself something else to do, sleeping seems to be a very good idea! I only have one problem right now...I'm not sleepy, how to sleep? And, I'm wearing lenses, how to sleep? I just realised I have got 2 problems -_-

Night night, and good morning to you :)



Unknown said...

Congratulations! Huge achievement. Hope you and K get a lot of rest now. :)

violetmay said...

Thank you much much ^^